Avoid the trolls and noise of the $SNAP cashtag. Improve the quality of your Twitter discussions by participating in a moderated GroupTweet community specifically for all things Snapchat ($SNAP). Think of it as a modern, Twitter based, YahooFinance message board.
GroupTweet communities allow group admins to have full control over who can Tweet from the @FinTwitSNAP account, ensuring that discussion and content will maintain a high standard. More signal and less noise compared to scanning the $SNAP cashtag. By participating in GroupTweet communities, you will discover your Twitter experience is instantly improved.
To participate and Tweet from @FinTwitSNAP, simply publish a Tweet starting with an @mention of @FinTwitSNAP. Once you are an approved group contributor, any of your Tweets containing $SNAP will automatically be republished from the @FinTwitSNAP account for all group members to see.
To join the @FinTwitSNAP community, email fintwitSNAP@grouptweet.com with your personal Twitter username in the body of the email. Click the button above to check out the current @FinTwitSNAP feed on Twitter. If interested in becoming a moderator, include that in your email as well.
Include your community in the GroupTweet directory!
GroupTweet makes it easy to start your own Twitter community. Have any questions about starting or joining a Twitter community? Email twittercommunities@grouptweet.com with any questions!